File - Fluent Bit


The stdout output plugin allows to print to the standard output the data received through the input plugin. See fluent bit page for more information.


formatSpecify the data format to be printed. Supported formats are msgpack json, json_lines and json_stream.str"json"
json_date_keySpecify the name of the time key in the output record. To disable the time key just set the value to false.str"date"
json_date_formatSpecify the format of the date. Supported formats are double, epoch, iso8601 (eg: 2018-05-30T09:39:52.000681Z) and java_sql_timestamp (eg: 2018-05-30 09:39:52.000681).str"double"

Node configuration

  plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbStdout"
  inputs: ["/dc/group/data"]
  format: "json"
  json_date_key: "date"
  json_date_format: "iso8601"