

A condition enables or disables one or multiple measurements to be published and thus collected. We could for example enable collecting camera images only when a robot is stopped:

Each condition is enabled or disabled through a pluginlib plugin. It has these configuration parameters:

Available plugins:

Robot movingRobot is moving
Bool equalValue of a boolean key is equal to
Double equalValue of a double key is equal to
Double inferiorValue of a double key is inferior to
Double superiorValue of a double key is superior to
ExistKey exists
Integer equalValue of an integer key is equal to
Integer inferiorValue of an integer key is inferior to
Integer superiorValue of an integer key is superior to
List bool equalValue of a list of boolean key is equal to
List double equalValue of a list of double key is equal to
List integer equalValue of a list of integer key is equal to
List string equalValue of a list of string key is equal to
Same as previousValue of the key is the same as the previous one
String matchValue of a string key matches the regex of