HTTP - Fluent Bit


The http output plugin allows to flush your records into a HTTP endpoint. For now the functionality is pretty basic and it issues a POST request with the data records in MessagePack (or JSON) format. See fluent bit page for more information.


allow_duplicated_headersSpecify if duplicated headers are allowed. If a duplicated header is found, the latest key/value set is preserved.booltrue
formatSpecify the data format to be used in the HTTP request body, by default it uses msgpack. Other supported formats are json, json_stream and json_lines and gelf.str"json"
headerAdd a HTTP header key/value pair. Multiple headers can be set.strN/A
headers_keySpecify the key to use as the headers of the request (must prefix with "$"). The key must contain a map, which will have the contents merged on the request headers. This can be used for many purposes, such as specifying the content-type of the data contained in body_key.strN/A
header_tagSpecify an optional HTTP header field for the original message tag.strN/A
http_userBasic Auth Username.strN/A
http_passwdBasic Auth Password. Requires HTTP_User to be set.strN/A
json_date_formatSpecify the format of the date. Supported formats are double, epoch, iso8601 (eg: 2018-05-30T09:39:52.000681Z) and java_sql_timestamp (eg: 2018-05-30 09:39:52.000681).str"double"
json_date_keySpecify the name of the time key in the output record. To disable the time key just set the value to false.str"date"
hostIP address or hostname of the target HTTP Server.str""
log_response_payloadSpecify if the response paylod should be logged or not.strtrue
portTCP port of the target HTTP Serverstr"80"
uriSpecify an optional HTTP URI for the target web server, e.g: /something.str"/"

Node configuration

  plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbHTTP"
  inputs: ["/dc/measurement/data"]
  host: ""
  port: 80
  uri: "/"
  format: "json"