PostgreSQL - Fluent Bit


PostgreSQL is a very popular and versatile open source database management system that supports the SQL language and that is capable of storing both structured and unstructured data, such as JSON objects. See fluent bit page for more information.


hostHostname/IP address of the PostgreSQL instance.str""
portPostgreSQL port.str"5432"
userPostgreSQL username.str"{username}"
passwordPassword of PostgreSQL username.strN/A
databaseDatabase name to connect to.str"{username}"
tableTable name where to store data.strN/A
timestamp_KeyKey in the JSON object containing the record timestamp.str"date"
asyncDefine if we will use async or sync connections.boolfalse
min_pool_sizeMinimum number of connection in async mode.str"1"
max_pool_sizeMaximum amount of connections in async mode.str"4"
cockroachdbSet to true if you will connect the plugin with a CockroachDB.boolfalse

Node configuration

  plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbPgSQL"
  inputs: ["/dc/group/data"]
  host: ""
  port: 5432
  user: fluentbit
  password: password
  database: "fluentbit"
  table: "dc"
  timestamp_key: "date"
  async: false
  time_format: "double"
  time_key: "date"