

EventWhat to do
Want to contributeOpen a PR
Found a bugFile a ticket on Github Issues
Feature requestDescribe what you want on Github Discussions
Want to start a discussionStart one on Github Discussions
Be aware of the ongoing developmentTake a look at the Github Project and what is being worked on


Feature requests

Since I want DC to be community driven, go to Github discussions, start a discussion about a features you want to see and users will be able to vote for your it. Most requested features will have more attention than others.

Found a bug?

If you find a problem, first search if an issue already exists. If a related issue doesn't exist, you can open a new issue using the issue form.

General guidelines

You can contribute to the source code with Pull Requests, for example:

  • To fix a typo you found on the documentation.
  • To propose new documentation sections.
  • To fix an existing issue/bug.
    • Make sure to add tests.
  • To add a new feature.
    • Make sure to add tests.
    • Make sure to add documentation if it's relevant.

Setup environment


Follow the steps to build your workspace and install dependencies in the setup section

Then, install the pre-commit hook:

pre-commit install

You are now ready to write some code, commit and follow the standards with the pre-commit hook.


To build the docs, install cargo:

sudo apt-get install cargo

Then install mdbook (the command line tool to create books with Markdown) and its plugins:

cargo install mdbook mdbook-admonish mdbook-linkcheck mdbook-mermaid

Start the doc locally with auto-refresh on edit:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin
mdbook serve -p 8000 -n

And open localhost:8000

Now that you open see the documentation locally, open the doc folder of the repository and edit the Markdown files you need. More about mdbook can be found here
