Custom uptime to Stdout

In this demo, we will go through a new use case. You want to create your own measurement or use an existing measurement provided by dc_measurements but not exactly, you want to add a field and also modify the JSON schema. That is what we will do here: create a new plugin, inside dc_demos, another package, create a plugin and load it

We are going to take the uptime measurement, change it slightly and collect the data.

To test it, run:

ros2 launch dc_demos

JSON schema

Located in dc_demos/plugins/measurements/json/uptime_custom.json:

  "$schema": "",
  "title": "Uptime Custom",
  "description": "Time the system has been up. Intentionally failing to demonstrate customization and callback",
  "properties": {
    "time": {
      "description": "Time the system has been up",
      "type": "integer",
      "maximum": 0
  "type": "object"

It is almost the same as the standard uptime, but for the sake of the example, we will set the maximum value to 0, which will certainly make the validation fail!

CPP code

First, we create a hpp file in dc_demos/include/dc_demos/plugins/measurements:


#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>

#include "dc_measurements/measurement.hpp"
#include "dc_measurements/plugins/measurements/uptime.hpp"

namespace dc_demos
using json = nlohmann::json;

class UptimeCustom : public dc_measurements::Uptime
  void onFailedValidation(json data_json) override;
  void setValidationSchema() override;

}  // namespace dc_demos


We create a new class UptimeCustom, which inherits from dc_measurements::Uptime.


If we wanted to start a new measurement from scratch, it would inherit from dc_core::Measurement.

The method onFailedValidation is not mandatory but it is here to show it is possible to trigger a custom function when the validation fails.

Then the cpp code, currently located in dc_demos/plugins/measurements/uptime_custom.cpp:

#include "dc_demos/plugins/measurements/uptime_custom.hpp"

namespace dc_demos

void UptimeCustom::onFailedValidation(json data_json)
  RCLCPP_INFO(logger_, "Callback! Validation failed for uptime custom");

void UptimeCustom::setValidationSchema()
  if (enable_validator_)
    validateSchema("dc_demos", "uptime_custom.json");

}  // namespace dc_demos

#include "pluginlib/class_list_macros.hpp"
PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(dc_demos::UptimeCustom, dc_core::Measurement)

We include the uptime_custom file header. Then, define the onFailedValidation function (triggered when validation fails) and the setValidationSchema function which sets the json with the new json schema


Do not forget to include the pluginlib statements at the end to export the plugin class.

Plugin file

Create the xml file, here will be measurement_plugin.xml for us, at the source of the package. It defines the plugins of the package.

    <library path="dc_uptime_custom_measurement">
        <class name="dc_demos/UptimeCustom" type="dc_demos::UptimeCustom" base_class_type="dc_core::Measurement">


Now that you have all files set up, you can add the build process to the CMakeLists.txt:

# Measurement plugins
add_library(dc_uptime_custom_measurement SHARED
list(APPEND dc_measurement_plugin_libs dc_uptime_custom_measurement)

foreach(measurement_plugin ${dc_measurement_plugin_libs})
  ament_target_dependencies(${measurement_plugin} ${dependencies})
  target_compile_definitions(${measurement_plugin} PRIVATE BT_PLUGIN_EXPORT)

pluginlib_export_plugin_description_file(dc_core measurement_plugin.xml)

install(FILES measurement_plugin.xml

install(DIRECTORY plugins/measurements/
  DESTINATION share/${PROJECT_NAME}/plugins/measurements/

It creates the library, installs and exports it.

Console output

In the measurement server log, the plugin is detected properly

[component_container_isolated-1] [INFO] [1677715629.547448938] [measurement_server]: Creating measurement plugin uptime_custom: Type dc_demos/UptimeCustom, Group key: uptime, Polling interval: 5000, Debug: 0, Validator enabled: 1, Schema path: , Tags: [flb_stdout], Init collect: 1, Init Max measurement: 0, Include measurement name: 0, Include measurement plugin name: 0, Remote keys: , Remote prefixes: , Include measurement plugin name: 0, Max measurement on condition: 0, If all condition: , If any condition: , If none condition:
[component_container_isolated-1] [INFO] [1677715629.550523128] [measurement_server]: schema: {"$schema":"","description":"Time the system has been up. Intentionally failing to demonstrate customization and callback","properties":{"time":{"description":"Time the system has been up","maximum":0,"type":"integer"}},"title":"Uptime Custom","type":"object"}

Then, it fails as expected:

[component_container_isolated-1] [ERROR] [1677715634.550778659] [measurement_server]: Validation failed: At /time of 139123 - instance exceeds maximum of 0
[component_container_isolated-1] data={"tags":["flb_stdout"],"time":139123}
[component_container_isolated-1] [INFO] [1677715634.550911115] [measurement_server]: Callback! Validation failed for uptime custom
[component_container_isolated-1] [ERROR] [1677715639.550754853] [measurement_server]: Validation failed: At /time of 139128 - instance exceeds maximum of 0
[component_container_isolated-1] data={"tags":["flb_stdout"],"time":139128}
[component_container_isolated-1] [INFO] [1677715639.550867662] [measurement_server]: Callback! Validation failed for uptime custom