File - Fluent Bit


The file output plugin allows to write the data received through the input plugin to file. See fluent bit page for more information.


fileSet file name to store the records. If not set, the file name will be the tag associated with the records.strN/A (Optional)
formatThe format of the file content. See also Format section.str(out_file,plain,csv,ltsv)"out_file"
mkdirRecursively create output directory if it does not exist. Permissions set to 0755.booltrue
pathDirectory path to store files. If not set, Fluent Bit will write the files on it's own positioned directory.str"$HOME/data/"
delimiterThe character to separate each data. Default to ',' if format=csv, '\t'(TAB) if format=ltsv, '' else.str'' or ',' or '\t'
label_delimiterThe character to separate label and the value. Default: ':'. Used for ltsv.str'.'

Node configuration

  plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbFile"
  inputs: ["/dc/group/cameras"]
  file: "data"
  format: "out_file"
  mkdir: true
  path: "$HOME/data/"