InfluxDB - Fluent Bit


The influxdb output plugin, allows to flush your records into a InfluxDB time series database. The following instructions assumes that you have a fully operational InfluxDB service running in your system. See fluent bit page for more information.


hostIP address or hostname of the target InfluxDB service.str"127.0.01"
portTCP port of the target InfluxDB service.int8086
databaseInfluxDB database name where records will be inserted.str"fluentbit"
bucketInfluxDB bucket name where records will be inserted - if specified, database is ignored and v2 of API is used.strN/A (Optional)
orgInfluxDB organization name where the bucket is (v2 only).str"fluent"
sequence_tagThe name of the tag whose value is incremented for the consecutive simultaneous events.str"_seq"
http_userOptional username for HTTP Basic Authentication.strN/A (Optional)
http_passwdPassword for user defined in HTTP_User.strN/A (Optional)
http_tokenAuthentication token used with InfluDB v2 - if specified, both HTTP_User and HTTP_Passwd are ignored.strN/A (Optional)
tag_keysList of keys that needs to be tagged.list[str]N/A (Optional)
auto_tagsAutomatically tag keys where value is string.boolfalse

Node configuration

  plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbInfluxDB"
  inputs: ["/dc/measurement/uptime"]
  host: ""
  port: 8086
  database: "ros"