

A destination is where the data will be sent: AWS S3, stdout, AWS Kinesis. It has the possibility to use outputs from fluentbit.

The destination node is similar to the measurement one. It:

  • Either subscribes to data in the main node and data is forwarded with ros based destination plugins
  • Either subscribes to data from the ros2 fluent bit plugin.

The fluent bit plugin is the preferred one since when using it, we get all the benefits from fluent bit (especially data integrity). The ros2 fluent bit plugin uses rclc and is at the moment a fork of fluent bit. It could also be rewritten as a fluent bit plugin based on the GO interface, but pros and cons to move to it are not clear yet.

Node parameters

Destinations parameters are loaded dynamically. Here are the static ones:

Parameter nameDescriptionType(s)Default
flb.flushInterval to flush output (seconds)str"1"
flb.graceWait time (seconds) on exitstr"1"
flb.log_levelDiagnostic level (error/warning/info/debug/trace)str"info"
flb.storage_pathSet an optional location in the file system to store streams and chunks of data. If this parameter is not set, Input plugins can only use in-memory buffering.str"/var/log/flb-storage/"
flb.storage_syncConfigure the synchronization mode used to store the data into the file system. It can take the values normal or full.str"normal"
flb.storage_checksumEnable the data integrity check when writing and reading data from the filesystem. The storage layer uses the CRC32 algorithm.str"off"
flb.storage_backlog_mem_limitIf storage.path is set, Fluent Bit will look for data chunks that were not delivered and are still in the storage layer, these are called backlog data. This option configure a hint of maximum value of memory to use when processing these records.str"5M"
flb.scheduler_capSet a maximum retry time in seconds. The property is supported from v1.8.7.str"2000"
flb.scheduler_baseSet a base of exponential backoff. The property is supported from v1.8.7.str"5"
flb.http_serverIf true enable statistics HTTP serverboolfalse
flb.in_storage_typeSpecifies the buffering mechanism to use. It can be memory or filesystem.str"filesystem"
flb.in_storage_pause_on_chunks_overlimitSpecifies if file storage is to be paused when reaching the chunk limit.str"off"

Plugin parameters

Parameter nameDescriptionType(s)Default
pluginPlugin to loadlist[str]N/A
inputsTopics to which to listen to get the datalist[str]N/A
debugEnable debug printboolfalse
time_formatFormat the data will be printedstr("double", "iso8601")"double"
time_keyDictionary key from which date will be taken fromstr"date"

Available plugins:

flb_fileWrite the data received through the input plugin to file.Fluent Bit File
flb_files_metricsIngest your records into the AWS Kinesis serviceThis project, in fluent_bit_plugins
flb_httpJSON to http request via Fluent BitFluent Bit HTTP
flb_kinesis_streamsJSON to AWS Kinesis Streams via Fluent BitAmazon Kinesis Data Streams
flb_minioJSON to Minio via Fluent BitThis project, in fluent_bit_plugins package
flb_pgsqlJSON to PostgreSQL via Fluent BitFluent Bit PostgreSQL
flb_stdoutJSON to STDOUT via Fluent BitFluent Bit Stdout
flb_s3JSON to AWS S3 via Fluent BitFluent Bit S3
flb_tcpJSON to TCP via Fluent BitFluent Bit TCP & TLS
rclJSON to RCLROS 2 logging

Example configuration

      flush: "1"
      flb_grace: "1"
      log_level: "info"
      storage_path: "/var/log/flb-storage/"
      storage_sync: "full"
      storage_checksum: "off"
      storage_backlog_mem_limit: "1M"
      scheduler_cap: "2000"
      scheduler_base: "5"
      metrics: true
      in_storage_type: "filesystem"
      in_storage_pause_on_chunks_overlimit: "off"
    destination_plugins: ["flb_stdout"]
      plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbMinIO"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/map"]
      plugin_path: "/root/ws/src/ros2_data_collection/dc_destinations/flb_plugins/lib/out_minio.so"
      access_key_id: HgJdDWeDQBiBWCwm
      secret_access_key: plCMROO2VMZIKiqEwDd80dLJUCRvJ9iu
      use_ssl: false
      bucket: "mybucket"
      src_fields: ["camera.local_img_paths.raw","camera.local_img_paths.rotated", "map.local_map_paths.yaml", "map.local_map_paths.pgm"]
      upload_fields: ["camera.minio_img_paths.raw","camera.minio_img_paths.rotated", "map.minio_map_paths.yaml", "map.minio_map_paths.pgm"]
      plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbPgSQL"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/memory_uptime"]
      host: ""
      port: "5432"
      user: fluentbit
      password: password
      database: "fluentbit"
      table: "dc"
      timestamp_key: "date"
      async: false
      time_format: "double"
      time_key: "date"
      plugin: "dc_destinations/Rcl"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/memory_uptime"]
      plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbStdout"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/cameras"]
      inputs: ["/dc/group/cameras"]
      time_format: "iso8601"
      time_key: "date"
      plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbHTTP"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/memory_uptime"]
      debug: true
      plugin: "dc_destinations/FlbFile"
      inputs: ["/dc/group/memory_uptime"]
      path: "$HOME/data"
      file: uptime
      debug: false
        enable: false
        rate: "1"
        window: "5"
        interval: "10s"
        print_status: true